As the third most popular sportswear brand in Russia, Demix is loved by millions of everyday athletes for its affordable, high performance products. Its owner, Sportmaster – the region’s leading sports retailer – has big ambitions for the label as a result. We delivered a retail strategy for Demix designed to take it from a Sportmaster house brand – sold exclusively through Sportmaster stores – to stand-alone success, at the heart of which is its very own store.
We designed the store as a call to action. At every turn, it breathes new life into the Demix promise – to get people moving more, for less. Motion mannequins reach out from the front of the store and greet shoppers as they move around the space, clearly signposting zones to make navigating easier. Design cues – colours, materials and graphics – are taken from training environments and give the store a vibrant authenticity. A clear digital and influencer-led marketing strategy keeps the store fresh and exciting. The result is a unique store experience that magnifies the brand’s core belief that life is an opportunity and sport is a way of making the most of it.